The escar 2024 program will consist of top-class speakers. These have either been invited or have successfully applied via the call for papers.
Information about the program for escar Europe in 2024 will be added on an ongoing basis. Stay tuned.
Please note: Here is the program schedule for the 22nd escar Europe. The main program will take place during the day on November 19 and 20, 2024. Our social program will also take place on the 19th of November and in the evening we will host our traditional dinner event. Please do not forget to register in time! The popular workshops will take place on November 18, 2024. There will also be a get-together in the evening, where all participants will have the opportunity to connect in a relaxed atmosphere.
Please note: The speakers for the 22nd escar Europe will be announced in mid-September.
Steering Committee
Program Committee
Organizing Committee
isits AG International School of IT Security
Interested in taking part in one of our workshops?
On November 18, 2024, three exciting workshops will once again take place as part of this year's escar conference. Find out more on our workshop page.
escar conference started in 2003 in Germany and due to its continuous success the conference is now organized internationally – Europe, USA and Asia. Its founder and organizer, isits AG was consistently supported by its event partner ETAS. Moreover the conference reaches higher numbers of attendees each year. The attendees and exhibitors enjoy insightful conference days, interesting talks and good networking. Every year it proves again that escar is the leading Automotive Cyber Security conference in the world!